Our Program
Even after Certification by the American Board of Obesity Medicine, I continued my search for more answers than the current mantra of Calories-In versus Calories-Out. Our program is based on current scientifically-researched literature and personal patient experience of how to safely lose weight and keep it off while teaching patients how to prevent, delay and even reverse many chronic, debilitating, and life threatening diseases of which overweight and obesity are foundational causes.
We will teach you what works and what doesn’t so that you will have the knowledge and skills to both get healthy and stay healthy.
During your initial visit before you embark on your weight loss journey, we will discuss your health and weight loss goals. A history and physical examination along with blood pressure, pulse, weight management and other metrics will be obtained along with a comprehensive Body Composition measurement to determine both your lean body mass and percentage of body fat mass. After your 30 minute on boarding video presentation to explain our philosophy, you will be counseled regarding all of these results. You will also be given our weight loss book that you find very helpful during your weight loss journey.
Follow-up visits
The cornerstone of our practice is our physician supervised weight loss program that combines scientifically-based, state-of-the-art care with individually tailored plans to help you lose weight safely and keep it off for life. Our plans are easy to follow, and are structured to help you avoid hunger and cravings that are typical on a regular diet.

Program Overview
Throughout the program, we will continue to monitor, encourage and support you in reaching your weight loss goals. Our program uses three phases to approach your weight loss:
Step 1: Active Weight Loss Phase
During the Active Weight Loss period, our goal is to help you lose weight quickly and safely. More importantly, we focus on losing the fat and preserving the muscle.
One of the reasons so many people fail to succeed long-term is that they find themselves yo-yoing. They lose weight initially which is composed of both fat and muscle, but when they inevitably regain their weight, the vast majority of the weight regain is from fat. Since muscle is the powerhouse for burning calories, this asset is lost and people struggle as their weight gain returns.
Following the initial evaluation, progress is monitored weekly so that both short-term and long-term success is maximized. Visits are then spaced out to twice monthly at which time patients have the opportunity to continue to learn, review concerns, and celebrate achievements. Real life challenges, including hunger patterns, work schedules, personal habits, and stress issues can be addressed and solved at these visits, as well.
Patients are ready to transition out of the Active Weight Loss Period when they have reached their weight loss goal.
Step 2: Transitional Weight Loss Phase
Patients are ready to transition to this phase as they have reached their weight loss goal. During this phase, visits and medications are spaced to find the lowest dose of medication and the lease number of visits that keep the disease under control. Once the weight loss goal is clearly established and stable, patients are ready for the final phase of their journey.
Step 3: Maintenance/Relapse Phase
This phase is a unique part of our program and is designed to prevent weight regain or to stop it if it starts. Successful weight loss depends on lifelong management of the underlying condition. Regular visits will be reduced from monthly to every two, three, or six months depending on your individual needs. During this period, we will implement new strategies to maintain your weight loss while offering continuing education and counseling as needed. Eventually, you will not need to return to the office. However, some patients return to us on a 6-12 months basis because they find that it helps them to maintain their weight loss. This is a very common practice when dealing with other chronic diseases like hypertension, heart disease, asthma, and diabetes. Depending on your personal needs, we are always here for you.